Little Creek Neighborhood Center Sprayground

Little Creek Neighborhood Center Sprayground is one of over 5 new spraygrounds and splash pads in Winston-Salem and is the perfect size for a family outing come rain or shine. Enjoy the many structures with a coral/oceanic feel...from a turtle to seaweed, and even a snail.

About Spraygrounds

Spraygrounds are water playgrounds with fixtures and fountains that spray water. They are similar to water play areas, such as those at Kimberley Park and Bolton pools, with a significant difference: Spraygrounds are not set in standing water, making them safer for children. A popular alternative to swimming pools, spraygrounds are free, do not need a staff and save resources by recirculating and filtering the water.

How to Use a Sprayground

Push the button, mounted on a bollard at the edge of the sprayground, to activate the water for 15 minutes. If nobody pushes the button again within 15 minutes, the water will stop.

About The Little Creek Neighborhood Center Sprayground

Little Creek Neighborhood Center is a Winston-Salem city park a with playground, picnic shelter, restrooms, grills, water fountain and now a brand new sprayground. This small park’s sprayground is the perfect size for 15-20 children to enjoy comfortably. The structures are ideally suited for children under 10 because older/taller kids may become bored quite quickly. The sprayground has the following features:

  • One tall tree-shaped sprayer that sprays a wide radius
  • A snail structure that sprays and excites
  • A turtle structure that looks as if it is swimming away
  • A large umbrella tower sprayer for ducking behind
  • Several water geysers that shoot from ground level
  • Several fun jet sprayers that can be shot at other kids for fun

Operating Hours

The Little Creek Neighborhood Center Sprayground will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. April 1 – October 31.